Monday, January 24, 2011

In search for a new world

     I started working on board commercial ships when I was nineteen years old. I like to travel and the excitement of being able to see new places is the main reason that I am on this job. Eventually, after a little more than twenty years of sea travel, I started to think differently about my work. I’m tired of being a seaman and felt that I need to spend more time with my family. I need a new life.
     It’s not easy. If I want to have a new start, I must look for a new source of income and that’s the hardest part. I’m twenty years away from my retirement age and the chance for a new job is very poor.  Boredom hits me hard and I decided to leave the ship and start a new life in the U.S. leaving my papers and passport behind. Adventurism and positive thinking is the key to this, my greatest mistake (seventeen years later, I realized that it’s my best move.) And then the consequences of what I did, sink in my mind. It’s too late to turn back, I considered myself a fugitive and the U.S. immigration is on my back. Eventually, the long arm of the law will take its grip on me. I have to prepare myself for that eventuality. I took a job as a busboy in a restaurant. I think that the owner is in a desperate need of a helping hand that she start me working in the restaurant with my promise to show my passport later and she manage to forget about it when I had shown her that I can work hard enough for her to like me or maybe she needs me. Well, I work twelve hours everyday from Monday to Saturday. I stayed there for two years. When I thought that I have enough money to start something good I came to a decision to straighten my crooked mistake. I needed to go back to my own country where I legally exist. I bought an old taxicab and started a new life as a taxicab driver and all is going well until after over six months when I found out that my beloved taxicab is carrying a fake franchise. Well, with a few cash left I was forced to go back to where I was born. I was born in this little town. I left it when I started my voyages as a sailor. I had over there an almost forgotten land and now I need it to survive. I sold half of the land and build a small house.  I used some of the money to convert my old house in the city to a house for rent and slowly improved on it. It became a valuable source of income for us. It is the only one.
     My daughter is working as a call center agent and introduces me to the world of computers. I like this world. For me this is a better world. My entrance is not easy and I would write about it in my next blog.


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